Hebron Cemetery

Camp Point, Adams, Illinois, United States


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Hebron Cemetery, located about 2 ½ miles north of Camp Point, Illinois, is the final resting place for 815 souls, beginning with Ira McFarland in 1834 and operating to the present day. It has been in continuous operation for 186 years, with over 20 burials since 2000. The cemetery upkeep is supported through donations only and run by the Hebron Cemetery Association based in Camp Point, Illinois. New donors are always needed. The cemetery is well kept and completely enclosed by an iron fence erected in 1913 The west side of the cemetery features a large, historic gate (picture). There are 49 veterans buried at Hebron, representing every war from the War of 1812 through Vietnam.
Hebron Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Camp Point, Adams, Illinois, United States