Saint Andrew Cemetery of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

Franklin, Somerset, New Jersey, United States


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Saint Andrew Cemetery of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

Franklin, Somerset, New Jersey, United States
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-HEADSTONES are almost all in Ukrainian Cyrillic text. Please do NOT transcribe using Russian text, as the Russian alphabet may look similar, but in fact lacks many additional letters which are used in Ukrainian. Please respect the deceased, their families and the history of all Ukrainians, by respectfully transcribing as per BG guidelines, by entering exact text as inscribed on each headstone, after first designating the image as Ukrainian. Also, as per BG, please do NOT translate or transliterate into English or vice versa, English into Ukrainian. If any doubt exists, please stop after designating the image as being Ukrainian. A volunteer from the church will gladly transcribe it, and then also add other information on record. -CEMETERY is located behind St Andrew Memorial Church, which located on the Metropolia Center Complex of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Metropolia grounds are partially located in South Bound Brook and partially in Somerset. St Andrew Cemetery and its visitor entrance drive are located on the Northside of the Raritan River's secondary runoff canal which splits the Metropolia property, of which all are located on the Southside of the Raritan River and also Main Street, SBB. -Cemetery HOURS are from DAWN to DUSK. The Metropolia OFFICE is open M-F from 9-5 EST, but cemetery INFOrmation is best obtained via telephone. The office physical address is at 135 Davidson Ave, on the Somerset side of the runoff canal and is only accessible from the cemetery via one pedestrian bridge. -Nearly all cemetery information is available on the UOC of the USA website under Cemetery. -Note: The historic Fisher/Fischer/Visser family burial grounds are located within this cemetery, and all graves are visible from outside the boundary fence. Please do NOT enter without first securing a tour through the Metropolia office. Thank you for your cooperation.
Saint Andrew Cemetery of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, Created by Homedad732, Franklin, Somerset, New Jersey, United States